My partner doesn’t seem to love me as much as he used to…HELP!

May 12, 2017

How to rekindle the loving connection that you used to have at the beginning of the relationship!    


Ok, so you’re probably thinking about him all the time…

You love him and you can’t get him off your mind…

Every time you try and spend more time with him, he backs away…

You tell him how much you love him and he says it back but it doesn’t seem to be very honest and sincere…

You’re at the stage in your life where having a loving relationship is the most important thing in your life but you feel helpless.  You’re afraid of the future and if your current relationship doesn’t work, then you afraid whether you will ever find love again.
The truth is that, if you don’t fix the issues in your current relationship, then the fear that you have around whether you will ever find true love, might become reality.


What you are feeling is extremely common and in all the time I have been working with couples from all over the world, I am here to tell you that there is a way to get past your struggles and create the loving relationship that you truly deserve.  I know how painful it can be and the goal of having a passionate loving relationship where you are his #1 priority might seem far, far away but I assure you that it’s closer than you think.  This is why i decided to put this blog post together.




As I mentioned earlier, you are not alone in your struggles.  In fact, the vast majority of relationships are actually dysfunctional and create a lot of pain – despite how happy they might appear on the outside.
To avoid being another relationship statistic, you need a proven approach that works.  An approach that will ensure that you create a passionate, loving relationship that will stand the test of time.


Now the majority of couples in going through these challenges will end up going to couples counselling but sadly, most of the time, they never get to the root of the problem and hence, they often decide that they aren’t right for one another and then decide to part ways.


Inevitably, in any relationship where there was love once and then it subsided, there are two key reasons why this occurs:


  1. You loved your partner how you thought you should love them, not how they actually needed it
  2. You were focussed on what you were getting, not on what you’re giving


Let me explain this further.  Often when we’re in a relationship, we show love to our partner in a way that we would like it ourselves.  This is very natural of course but it also can be the kiss of death and slowly lead to resistance, resentment and repression – the signs of a relationship that is on the rocks.


To add to this, when we are in a relationship, it’s easy for us to focus purely on what it is that we are not getting in the relationship, rather than truly loving our partner.
Yes, I know what you’re probably thinking – “But Sri, how can I give to my partner when I am not getting my own needs met?”.  And yes, you would be well within your right to feel like that.  However, we must remember that love is a verb and not a noun!


Love is something that we give and when we make a conscious effort to give without it being a trade (ie i’ll give you love when you give me love), then our partner will be more inclined to return the favour. There is something magical that happens when our intention is filled with love, rather than fear.  Life begins to work for us, rather against us and we tend to attract circumstances that are in alignment with the love that we are giving and feeling.

Key Takeaways


  • What you are feeling is extremely common, so don’t worry, you are not an outsider!
  • The reason why your relationship is falling over is because you didn’t focus on what they truly need
  • You forgot about the importance of giving
  • Let love be your primary intention in your relationship, not on what you’re getting



Now to put this into practice, I have put together a short guide with some specific actions that you can take to get your partner to make you the #1 priority in his life.  When you apply these actions into your life, you will be able to inspire the right course of action to create the passionate loving relationship that you truly deserve!