Mirrors aren’t just for checking your makeup!

March 1, 2018

If you’re at that point in your relationship and you’re feeling lost, frustrated, angry, sad and isolated in the process, then you are not alone.


Every time you try and make the effort to improve your situation, it just backfires.


There’s plenty of advice on the internet but let’s face it, most of it is just shit and even worse – trying to apply it to your own situation is extremely difficult.


All of these emotions and thoughts are extremely common and that is exactly why I created this blog for you – to help you in your relationship by providing you with a completely different perspective.


Most couples these days are trying to figure out a magical formula to turn their marriages/relationships around.


They are going to see marriage counselors/therapists/retreats and so on to turn their situation around but so many end up failing because they aren’t prepared to take the most important step.


Let me explain to you what that is shortly.


It’s how you’re viewing the situation


Most of the time, when couples approach relationships, they are instructed to do a couple of things: Set boundaries for themselves and then exercise various tactics to try and get the other person to change.


Now whilst this is a very tempting approach, it very rarely creates the change we desire.




Because as human beings, we need to accept two things:


  1. We are not responsible for another person’s happiness
  2. We can’t change another person – we can only influence at best.


When we try and change our partner, they typically become resentful even if there are good intentions.  This ends up resulting in a cycle of anger, frustration, and resentment that compounds to the point where stonewalling, isolation and separation are a realistic outcome.


Relationships Bring Up Our Greatest Fears


The challenging part with relationships is that whenever they aren’t going well, they do one thing that affects all human beings.


They bring up our greatest inner fear that we aren’t worthy of love.


And for human beings, when we feel we aren’t worthy of love, that is the equivalent of death on an emotional level.


So you can see how relationships are such a massive trigger for humans and why they are so important.


So how do we go about transforming our relationships?


Firstly, we need to an open and honest look at our situation and this means taking responsibility.


In other words – have the ability to respond


And how do you do that?


The first step is for you to look yourself in the mirror and take stock of how you have contributed to the challenges of your relationship.


This doesn’t mean blaming yourself.


It doesn’t mean wallowing in self-pity.


All it means is taking stock of what is going well and what isn’t and asking yourself “how did I play my part in this and what can I do here to shift myself so I bring the very best version of myself to the table?”


With that level of honesty, you will be giving yourself the greatest chance to turn your relationship around and see it as an opportunity for growth rather than the possibility of loss.


How can you apply this specifically in your relationship?


I have created a free training where I go through this in depth.


If you want to know more about how to do this, The first thing to do is sign up for my FREE webinar working on the 3 most important steps that my client Sarah used to transform her relationship.  I’ve always believed that learning from others is the greatest resource we can use to get the results we desire.


You can sign up for this Free Webinar HERE!


Secondly, I have a couple of spots opening up for a free consultation with me to determine how to get your man back or how to rekindle the spark in your current relationship/marriage.  These spots do go quickly so CLICK HERE before they run out and you end up on a waitlist!