4 Feminine Traits Men Find WILDLY Attractive

September 19, 2023

There are just some feminine traits that make men swoon.

The kind of behavior that will have you and him living in perfect harmony.

Men and women need a positive and negative charge to be in perfect sync. They need a masculine and a feminine energy rubbing against one another in a complementary fashion.

But with shifting gender roles and energies it can be easy to move away from the feminine and slide towards the masculine (the same is true of men). To become more in sync with your partner try adapting to these feminine traits that men find attractive.

Feminine Traits Men Find Attractive

The following traits may not be universally beloved by men, however the vast majority of males do find them attractive.

To find that attraction once again with your partner, incorporate these four traits into your life.

1) Enable The Masculine

Women with strong feminine sensibilities have a way of bringing out a man’s masculinity. And by masculine, I don’t mean that he’ll rip off his shirt, beat his chest, and deck any man who looks your way (but hey you never know).

Masculine traits come in different shapes and sizes, and they can be elicited by your demeanor.

To give you an example of how you can enable the man inside of him let’s look at a case study of a woman that was on the bus tour of Europe I embarked on a few years ago.

The solo female traveler wasn’t a femme fatal or damsel in distress. She was an older, independent solo traveler. She was also the sweetest woman on our trip. There was zero physical attraction yet all the men on our bus tour were attracted to her energy.

This woman was sweet, kind, she listened, was timid at times, brightened up the room, and was always positive.

Every man on the trip loved her energy and wanted to be around her.

My wife is another example of a woman who oozes femininity. She has such a big heart and knows how to strike a balance between femininity and the independent woman she needs to be to run her business efficiently. 

So how do you enable his masculine energy?

One way is to become more connected with your own emotions and feelings.

Many people suppress their emotions. We live in a fast-paced society that is still coming to terms with mental health, self-expression, and self-love. Sure, we have come along way, but it’s easy to push feelings away to make room for the to-do list in front of you or because you’re ill-equipped to manage them.

You should want to feel those emotions in your physical body.

Deal with these emotions. Confront them. Cry if you have to, address whatever is making you struggle. Only then will you be able to let go of these negative emotions and embrace peak feminine.

Enabling the masculinity also looks like allowing him to step up for you.

We’re living in an age of equality – which is brilliant. Women have more opportunities than ever, are more independent than ever and are happier than ever. The gender gap is closing and women have more power at the table both in the home, politics, and business.

But with this change we’ve seen more females becoming more masculine. When gender roles change, you may find reverse polarity, which confuses the dynamic.

Allow your man to step up for you, and enjoy the process of him stepping up. Maybe something as little as letting him carry the grocery bag or fixing the door will reinvigorate his masculine energy.

2) Develop A Balance Between Independence And Dependance

Find a balance.

A partner who is too needy (man or woman) is a turn-off. The opposite is true as well. Should a woman be too independent and aloof, a man may also feel neglected and turned off as a consequence.

What I often find is too many women revolving their entire lives around their partner.

Many of us believe that our partner must be everything to us. Our best friend, running partner, shoulder to cry on, person to binge movies with, etc.

In reality, this is far too much pressure to place on any one person. Your husband can’t be expected to gratify all your social needs by playing various roles in your life.

Imagine your life as a pie cut into different slices.

You have one for work, another for family, another for hobbies, your husband, etc. How much of this pie is taken up by your husband?

If you find that your entire world revolves around any one person, branch out.

Reconnect with old friends, find new hobbies, and create that independence that every person needs.

When women don’t have lives of their own, it’s easy to then in turn smother your partner. Creating your own independence will give you both the space you need to thrive. Him also seeing that you have your own life is a massive turn-on. He will value you more and feel valued when you make time for him.

3) Understand Masculine Needs

Oftentimes women don’t understand what this energy means, and vice versa. Naturally, if you don’t understand what masculine energy is and what it needs to thrive, your partner will never feel fully himself around you and the relationship will suffer.

Masculine means:

  • Being respected
  • Not being criticized for the little things
  • Feeling free
  • Having space
  • Being needed

Understand that sometimes men need a little space, but if you don’t bother them, they’ll come back.

The problems arise when we question and get frustrated by this masculine trait.

Masculine energy has different needs. He’ll want space, want lighthearted energy, and wants to be significant enough that you will open up to him.

Opening up can mean more than sex. It can simply mean being comfortable with one another and living. in a judge-free environment.

4) All About Simplicity

Men find relationships complex because they don’t understand feminine energy and vice versa. 

The easiest way to simplify the relationship is by opening up and simply talking about what you want in a relationship and how he can give it to you.

Men often feel frustrated because they have no idea what women want. Instead of having him guess, tell him what you want in a judgment-free way. Keep the lines of communication open, have civil and constructive conversations, and be honest with what you want.

For example.

Prior to a stressful event, tell him when you’re stressed, you don’t want advice but rather someone to listen and show compassion. Later on, if requested, tell him you’d love to hear his advice, just not in the heat of the moment.

Moving Forward With Feminine Energy

Applying this advice to your life can be difficult.

That’s why I created a detailed blueprint of how to inject more femininity into your relationship. In my program, the Authentic Relationship System, I’ve developed a concrete roadmap that will help you grow internally, transform yourself, and as a consequence, improve your relationship as well.

Let’s talk now so we can get to learn about each other and I can tell you about the program and community of like-minded women that you’ll be joining.