Hi I’m Sri - For the past ten years, it’s been my mission to serve women on the receiving end of infidelity to save their marriages and create true healing on the inside - all using two secret ingredients: Understanding Male Psychology and Deep Emotional Healing from the trauma of infidelity. 

In addition to serving my amazing clients, I have a number of different interests including playing cricket, golf, personal development, trance music and most of all, spending time with my beautiful family which includes my wife Divya, daughter Arnika and my two fur babies Archie and Charlie. 

Marriage Coach

Sri Rajasekar

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I know you love your husband. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be here. You would have let the marriage wilt and moved on. It hurts that you feel as though the affection in your marriage is one-sided. That the relationship you once had is now gone. I’m here to tell you that may not be […]

Apply These 3 Steps To Get Your Husband To Love You Again

how to get my husband to love me again

Understanding Men

Sri Rajasekar


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Since I began helping women overcome infidelity over 10 years ago I’ve spoken with thousands of women. I’ve listened as they have cried, raged, and questioned whether anything good would ever happen to them again. What I’ve learned from working with all these women is that a marriage can be saved if you’re willing to […]

How To Save Your Marriage After Cheating

save your marriage


Sri Rajasekar


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They say that women are the gentler, more reticent sex – I disagree. Men are notorious for their inability to communicate effectively. That’s not a personal opinion, it’s just science. More neurons in the part of the brain dedicated to language and emotions mean women are wired differently than men. So it’s no surprise that […]

How To Communicate In A Classy Way With Your Husband (USE THESE 4 STRATEGIES NOW)

how to communicate with your husband

Understanding Men

Sri Rajasekar


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Screaming, throwing a plate, crying until you’re dehydrated, and crying in the arms of a loved one all might seem like a good idea right about now. As an initial response, to learning your husband wants a divorce these are all valid reactions. But there will come a time soon enough when you’ll want to […]

What to Do When Your Husband Wants a Divorce (3 IMPORTANT SECRETS!)

what to do when your husband wants a divorce


Sri Rajasekar


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A sacred pact has been broken. Your husband has strayed and now you’re left wondering how to heal from cheating and move forward. I know it seems as though the world will forever be stuck in this moment, but you’re not trapped in quicksand. Men have been cheating on women since the advent of monogamy. […]

How To Heal From Cheating (Apply These Steps Now)

How to heal from cheating


Sri Rajasekar


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Humans aren’t exactly the most faithful species. Owl monkeys, bald eagles, and prairie voles are a one-partner type of species. They find their soulmate, mate, and live out the rest of their lives with that one partner. But these creatures are anomalies. Among the living, from bonobos to the honeybee, monogamy isn’t the rule but […]

Why Do Men Cheat (3 Important Reasons You Need To Know)

why do men cheat


Sri Rajasekar


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It can be difficult to see the future when you realize your husband is cheating on you. The maelstrom of emotions brought on by this news can paralyze you. The storm has only just begun, so seeing the light on the horizon may seem pointless. But there is a way to move forward. If you’re […]

What To Do When Your Husband Is Cheating On You (4 STEPS TO APPLY)

what to do when your husband is cheating on you

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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For some, the signs of an impending apocalypse come in the form of the earth’s water rising above the mountains or the earth literally splitting in two. But lately, it feels as though an impending separation is the only sign you need. Life may feel a bit apocalyptic right now, but I can assure you […]


how to get your husband back

Understanding Men

Sri Rajasekar


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So your Husband wants a divorce… You probably feel completely overwhelmed and scared about the possible impact it could have on your family and your life.  I know how incredibly painful it is for you right now. I’ve gone through several relationship challenges in the past as well and I’ve seen the pain my clients […]

Husband Wants a Divorce? 3 Crucial Steps to Save Your Marriage

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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Times have changed. The honeymoon phase is over, the problems have begun, and you’re now wondering if your marriage is coming to an end. This is a scary time for you, but as we’ll see it doesn’t all have to be bad. Some marriages aren’t meant to last. Sometimes it’s best to stop investing more […]

Signs Your Marriage Is Over With Your Husband

signs your marriage is over

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar
