Hi I’m Sri - For the past ten years, it’s been my mission to serve women on the receiving end of infidelity to save their marriages and create true healing on the inside - all using two secret ingredients: Understanding Male Psychology and Deep Emotional Healing from the trauma of infidelity. 

In addition to serving my amazing clients, I have a number of different interests including playing cricket, golf, personal development, trance music and most of all, spending time with my beautiful family which includes my wife Divya, daughter Arnika and my two fur babies Archie and Charlie. 

Marriage Coach

Sri Rajasekar

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There are some things that get under every man’s skin. Regardless of creed, age, values, or any other variable that makes men who they are, the behavior we’ll discuss is universally despised. If your relationship has been on the rocks for some time, it might be because of one of these behaviors. 1) Habitual Emasculation […]

No Man Stays Married to a Woman Who Does These 4 Things

four traits men don't want to see in their partner

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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If you’re going through a rough patch, it could be because you’re making certain mistakes that are muting the feminine traits he loves most. The reality of going through a tough time in your marriage is that both parties operate in survival mode. This is because a troubling spell doesn’t come out of nowhere. The […]

4 MISTAKES Women Make that DESTROY the Feminine Qualities He Loves Most

4 MISTAKES Women Make that DESTROY the Feminine Qualities He Loves Most

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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There are just some feminine traits that make men swoon. The kind of behavior that will have you and him living in perfect harmony. Men and women need a positive and negative charge to be in perfect sync. They need a masculine and a feminine energy rubbing against one another in a complementary fashion. But […]

4 Feminine Traits Men Find WILDLY Attractive

feminine traits men find attractive

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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Getting out of a marriage is never easy. Even if it’s the right decision, it still hurts. The investment you’ve put in the person, the time that now feels wasted, and the many question marks that arise around even mundane things in your life, like how you’ll carry all the groceries into the house now […]

4 Signs Your Marriage Is Over – GET OUT NOW

signs marriage is over

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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Times have changed – and not in a good way. You and your husband have lost touch over the past few months if not years and you’re afraid there’s no coming back. I’m here to tell you that if you too lost the way, you can also find it. Every relationship has its up and […]

How To Reconnect With Your Husband (3 Important Steps To Take Now!)

how to reconnect with your husband


Sri Rajasekar


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It’s never easy when one-half of the union wants to call it quits. This would be easier to swallow if your husband wasn’t a good man. Perhaps had he cheated, not been there for you, or you felt the marriage slowly deteriorating it’d be easier to move on – but that’s not the case. Your […]

My Husband Wants to Leave (WHAT TO DO IF HE IS A GOOD MAN)

my husband wants to leave

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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Why is it that we actively work against what we want most? That we have a goal in mind but purposefully take detours and burn bridges, preventing ourselves from what we desire. So many women have come to me with self-sabotaging behavior. Angie, Laurie, Michell, Sarah, and a host of other women have self-sabotaged – […]

3 Signs You Are Self-Sabotaging In Relationships (ARE YOU DOING THIS?)

self sabotage relationships

Relationships for Women

Sri Rajasekar


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More than anything, there is one characteristic that is holding your marriage back. One characteristic that isn’t just living in your head rent-free, but has purchased the space and is now renting it out as an Airbnb. It’s how you manage this trait that will determine whether your marriage is successful or whether it wilts. […]


save a marriage


Sri Rajasekar


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There are many ways to bind a marriage together. You can do it with laughter, shared values, children, and a million other things. I, however, believe that if you don’t have trust, all those other bindings will eventually lose their adhesive. Trust isn’t just the super glue but the rose-colored glasses that makes everything else […]

How To Rebuild Trust In Your Marriage (APPLY THIS TO YOUR HUSBAND)

How To Rebuild Trust In Your Marriage

Understanding Men

Sri Rajasekar


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I know things are rough right now. But by being here right now you’re putting yourself in a position to create a better tomorrow. No matter how deep the hole you’re in feels there’s always a way out, you just need a plan. Right now you feel one or two ways. You either want to […]

How To Improve Your Marriage And Heal Yourself

How to Improve Your Marriage and Heal Yourself


Sri Rajasekar
